Khwaja Caera Buchanan ni Scathach
Alea Qayid of the Revenite Cabal

Sidhe Grump
Unbroken Dreamers


Mortal Seeming
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long simple brown
Clothing: Black business casual
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: This fabulously beautiful woman in her late 20s prefers reserved, monochromatic colors in her professional dress; she stands with a quiet pride and dignity that harmoniously accords her sad smile and longing gaze
Supernatural Qualities: Carefully concealed by long hair, her ears sweep backwards rather elven in nature
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (bewitching); Style 3; Slipped Seeming: elven ears (1)

Fae Mien
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 135 lb.
Eyes: Sky-blue
Hair: Long simple brown
Clothing: Black archaic
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Supernatural Qualities: Long has Caera dwelled in this life as Sidhe, flawlessly noble yet effortlessly mortal, even common; her monochrome and medieval peasant attire point to her house even without insignia: Liam, except she's not Oathbroken; if anything, the certainty in her gaze reveals how steady a soul she remains, how graceful and nimble both she moves, like a huntress
Accoutrements: Light jewelry, light armor and concealed weapons
Traits: Appearance 7 (bewitching); Style 3

“You think we can't stop Winter by stabbing it? Let's test your claim.”


Date of Birth: July 7th, 1964
Home: Ballyboyfey, County Donegal, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Family: Martin and Orla Buchanan (parents)
Chrysalis: Observed Injustice (only child born into a Republican household in Northern Ireland, father a city council member, mom a stay-at-home caretaker but unaware of their Scathach bloodline; during the Troubles, Loyalists of the Orange Order attacked their home, murdering her mother while triggering her Chrysalis; the flare of her Glamour and Scathach legacy drove the thugs out), 1979
Mentor: Jonah Egan
The Test: Trial by Influence (Mists may have claimed her assailants but the Scathach came and claimed her before her father returned home, and through that same fey curse, he forget his daughter ever existed and mourned only for her mother; she underwent a special emergency Fior-Righ that involved an accelerated Scathach training regimen to bring the teen up to par and earn her Name and rank)
Comrades: Ariela Samhradh, Cillian Ultan, Siofra Vaughan, Dawn Samhradh, Midir Griobh
Key Event #1: War (while an aspirant of her House, she was deployed in County Kerry in a Scathach war against a Thallain horde attempting to awaken a Formorian that overlaid some of the nastier skirmishes between the RA and British army; she personally defeated several Bogles)
Key Event #2: Treachery (when suspicious Gwydion began nosing around her House's local affairs, Caera demonstrated her cunning by innocently sending them off on wild goose chases to the north through planted clues)
Key Event #3: Treachery (Caera displayed her full versatility when later she dared the wrath of Fianna werewolves about Killarney Park, brokering an alliance with them to join the Scathach in confronting that stirring Formorian beneath the island)
Key Event #4: Awe & Wonder (for her diplomatic acumen, she received a secret invitation to join the Cat's Cradle cabal, resulting in her transfer to Dublin, spending years among the Seelie courts brokering new pacts and alliances between noble houses and Sidhe with commoners while pretending to be a gentle and harmless Fiona lady)
Key Event #5: Treachery (her greatest diplomatic victory may have been when she brokered a truce between Hibernia's Seelie and Unseelie fae to join forces in countering the rising rash of Autumn People in urban Ireland; this resulted in some part of the Irish Revival of the 1990s)
Key Event #6: Awe & Wonder (for years, all these successes led to her rising in Scathach ranks, until at last she began to oversee the recruitment and training of young recruits, including Ariela Samhradh, the only trainee she had feelings for after all these years)
Key Event #7: Personal Tragedy (when Nils Samhradh fell to the doom of the Dauntain, it broke Ariela's heart and shattered her honor, and Caera felt for her lover; she swore to help the Samhradh sisters either vanquish or redeem their brother; in so doing, she even helped recruit Ariela into the Cat's Cradle during this long quest to find and bring the mad fae to justice)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (for many years, she continued to oversee the Samhradhs' work in their family quest, often foregoing her own advancement and even threatening her current standing to help the woman she loved; at last, they narrowed down his location and carefully moved in on the Black Magician cabal in California...)


Magnitude: Caera's memory reaches back to the Shattering.
Details: She recalls that life, before the changeling way, when she ardently urged her fellow Scathach to stay behind: always a beacon of right-doing.


Enchanted Leather Armor
Appearance: A suit of brown, well-crafted leather armor fitted to her form, protecting her chest with a hardened cuirass and the rest of her torso and upper shoulders. The front is etched lightly with the unicorn of her noble house.
Origin: Inherent
Effects: This powerful light armor provides additional protection and can even reflect harmful spells.
Activation: She must only don the armor.

Appearance: A curved sword in the Arab fashion, with an unremarkable sheath.
Origin: Inherent

Appearance: A curved dagger in the South Asian fashion, with an unremarkable sheath.
Origin: Inherent

Pouch of Throwing Knives
Appearance: A simple leather pouch full of small but deadly throwing blades, each the size of her thumb.
Origin: Inherent


Names: Tadhg O'Lennon
Roles: House Servant (chaffeur)

Bunk Styles

Style: War & P.E.
Examples: Leap, smokebomb, spin around, do a backflip, get limber, assume a fighting pose, ash rune on forehead

Significant Others

Names: Ariela Samhradh, 2003; Dawn Samradh, 2008
Nature: Romantic; Companionship



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