Eileen French bani Skopos

Ex Miscellanea
Order of Hermes
Mao'lung Fragments
Advanced Adept of the Shadowsouls Chantry


Height: 5'7"
Weight: 140 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Medium simple brown
Clothing: Black business formal
Distinctions: A confident woman of continental substance and classy, voluptuous beauty
Supernatural Qualities: The wind seems to usher her arrival, but most soon forget that coincidence along with other details
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (shapely); Style 4 (classic); Arcane 3; Echoes: a gust of wind seems to blow in behind her upon arrival (2)

“The math isn't adding up. Something very unusual is happening here, and I will figure out what.”


Date of Birth: November 10th, 1958
Home: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Family: Yancy and Marie French (parents)
Awakening: Preordainment (she was raised by certified genius and cutting-edge scientists, and while born in northeastern Canada, her parents schlepped her all over the country and the US as they worked for and with various universities; she herself was quite brilliant even young, but had social trouble, given that she had no stable home life; her parents were eventually targeted by Technocracy head-hunters, but they resisted the press-ganging attempts and the agents accidentally executed her parents; they took Eileen into custody and decided to simply mind-wipe her and return her to the Masses, but the attempt only triggered her Awakening; a flash of electricity and Wild Talent meltdown stunned her captors and let her escape), 1972
Mentor: Spiro Hatzis
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (though her parents were Sleepers, they were gifted scientists and friends with Spiro Hatzis, who mathematically predicted Eileen's Awakening and rescued her from wandering through the Canadian snow blindly; he adopted her and became her teacher, training her in all Hermetic ideology, philosophy, and ritual, as well as his own "radical" perspectives)
Comrades: Spiro Hatzis, Tess Smith
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (her aptitude for quantum metaphysics was matched only by her intrinsic resonance with reality, as if she were the magick/Paradox/conduit, so with Spiro's blessing, she began with a "post-grad sabbatical", a Seeking of self-reflection and quantum theory experimentation in an Arctic bunker near Alert, the northernmost settlement in Canada and, indeed, the world)
Key Event #2: Awe & Wonder (Eileen formulated connections between quantum resonance of the blood in body and the ley in the Earth and so she began to track traditional "ley lines" and geomantic fissures)
Key Event #3: Treachery (the Technocracy recognized her work, perhaps due to tracing lines leading to a Union-controlled Node near Chicago, and sent agents to capture her, realizing she was the daughter of the Frenches from all those years ago; using her calculations, Eileen managed to stay ahead of the agents' time-tables and elude them for years, leading them on a merry chase around the globe as she followed the quantum ley tracks)
Key Event #4: War (the Union's agents finally managed to corner and confront her and reveal her "big secret", but she once again expected them and had lured them into a trap that for anyone else couldn't have been predicted: the sudden return of a pure chaos mage, a Marauder, whose destructive antics enabled her escape and caused the Union to lose her trail entirely)
Key Event #5: Awe & Wonder (more than ever, Eileen now felt convinced that every mage's Avatar was key to unlocking the secrets of quantum ley resonance, so she once more began inwardly, tracing her own essence across time, space, and ley itself, which led her on a pilgrimage around the world again, often re-visiting places she'd already been to, but seeing them with new eyes)
Key Event #6: Personal Tragedy (so blinded by her own brilliant insight into forbidden secrets of reality was she that she stumbled into a "quantum trap" set by unknown forces, possibly Paradox entitites, which left her in suspended animation in a quantum pocket realm, yet still very much conscious; such isolation rode up her alley, as she contemplated the nature of this would-be tomb and her place in it, gaining greater insight still, and essentially "willing" herself free of the trap)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (Eileen understood it was not only will but timing—a quantum ley resonance Juncture that cracked open her bonds and facilitated her liberation, and the crackling power of that Juncture led her further to a particular kind or family of mage's Avatar: the Mao'lung Fragments, which she tracked next to New Orleans and encountered the core source, a powerful mage whose very existence defied quantum reality, and so Eileen set up shop to study this phenomenon more closely...)

Acrophonia (Sanctum)

Location: Gretna, Louisiana, United States
Structure: Otherworld (quantum pocket realm through the Gretna Observatory's telescope leads to the realm, which only she and her guests can access)
Stock: Seemingly unlimited horizon, starry sky above, "polar night" unchanging quantum setting
Traits: Arcane 3

Significant Other

Name: Tess "Nekoko" Smith, 2012
Nature: Companionship


Head Beyond the Stars

Eileen's perceptual comprehension of the universal is unprecedented and has led her down paths few mages even know exist, never mind would ever consider investigating. Her Path is rife with trouble, and the Mao'Lung Exigency is an even more complicated and dangerous phenomenon than either she or Tess realize.

Likelihood of Corruption


Her quantum lore is intensely neutral; few demonic forces have any truck or interest in it. Plus, demonic corruption is far less likely now that she's in the company of Nekoko.


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