Ryusugi "Konton" Hanabi

Reito no Fukushu
Reiryu-do no Rokudan
Go Kamisori Gama no Shujin
Agent of the Court of Shooting Stars


~Something crazy is in the air. Desperate, ferocious, devastating -- and it's all centered on this young Oriental woman. A dimunitive woman reaching about 5'3", weighing little more than 115 pounds, Konton walks with the strong, confident gait of an athlete. She keeps herself clad in a loose pair of denim jeans, sneakers, and undershirtish, white tank top. Perhaps to fit in with the rest of the "trenchcoat brigade" that dominate the local style, she often wears a thick leather duster over it all. The duster possesses an odd sheen, but that's just like other "shiny leather" so in-style. Her hands are wrapped in red bandannas, usually clenched up into fists as if anticipating or seeking a fight. Her black hair is cropped short, kept curly and teased. Her gentle features are hardened with a cool callousness that might put a sociopath to shame. Large, brown eyes glitter with sparks of a raging inferno beneath. Konton is so distinct in her suppressed and lethal fire, in fact, that it seems like almost everyone tries to consciously tune her out, afraid of what may come if she's provoked. Still, most have to wonder if that sound they hear when Konton's around really is the distant and desolate song of a mountain valley breeze.~

OOC: Appearance 3; Arcane 3; Confident, Echoes

"I am the flaming sword
plunged into the breast
of the Beast. I am hot fire,
I am cold steel, I am the weapon of the gods.
I have no other business."


Inspired Youth

Hanabi was conceived during a terrible blizzard in early winter of 1966. Born in the summer of the next year, the seers of Clan Reiryu read her stars and knew she would be destined for something fantastic. Her training came quickly and harshly, and the young girl acclimated swiftly to the hard life of a soldier. All the other boys in her clan feared her and left her to her own devices.

Well-versed in all the arts by the age of 12, her Eyes Opened in late winter of 1980. She accepted the Awakening with a cold bearing, as if she had simply been expecting it all her life. The Ryusugi girl began her training anew, now her arts being divided into mystick sessions as well. Her sensei, Hinodi Bannin, praised her skills. But he saw the seed of anger and hatred burning in her breast. He brought the concern to the leader of the Reiryu Clan, Hinodi Kenmon. Kenmon's advice helped Bannin channel Hanabi's inherent rage into her work. Her anger became chilly and cruel, but tempered with awareness of her duties and giri, if not wisdom.


Hanabi knew before her elders did just where her Path lied. Her Tamashii illuminated her mind with images of the past and future. She knew the treachery of the Yomi as if she had been its victim just yesterday. She knew how the Yama Kings would ruin the world again if they were not stopped. And she hated them. Since that day she Awakened, every night's dream was plagued with visions of the past and future, steeling her desire to KILL every demon in the universe, even if the Heavens forbid it.

Four years later, Hanabi was strong and skilled. She was awarded the rank of shodan, and began to consider her future specializations. Considering her natural levity for the Art of Seiryoku, she began to study and train earnestly in the fields of modern chemistry and demolitions. Combining ancient alchemies with modern equations, eggshell grenades with C-4 plastique, her devastating incendiaries and explosions, used both for distraction and raw force, earned her the nickname of "Konton" -- Chaos.

Blowin' Shit Up

However, her real skill lay in the natural inheritance of Shukumei no Nagarette. She understood quite well how Destiny once flowed and would flow again. It was not her skill in creating explosions that became so fearsome but her skill in planting them, timing them. So it was that Konton participated in several missions contracted by the yakuza, and by the age of twenty she had 45 successful bombings and dozens of successful kills (that is, appropiate targets, not random innocents...only a few of those).

And while she served her clan in cold bloody-mindedness, she heeded the whispers within. She would lose herself in a dancing flame for hours, listening to the colors, gazing at the winds and the echoing calls of elated victory. She knew, one day, she would take her holy fires of vengeance to the gates of Yomi Wan itself. For years, she trained heartily, mastering the art of demolitions and taking it beyond mortal comprehension. All the while, she has been boldly silent and coldly malevolent -- malevolence directed only towards the malevolent. Nothing incited her more than capturing a demon, duct-taping an ounce of plastique to its head, and watching its head blow off.

Yang to the Yin

But such brutality works both ways. In 1995, her team ran a mission that was in fact bait to lure her and her associates into a trap. She was to assassinate a Kuei-jin suspected of being an akuma traitor of Emma-o. But the demons of Kakuri fell onto them in hordes at their appointed ambush. Many demons fell in the ensuing battle, but her entire team was nearly destroyed. Konton herself suffered a nearly mortal injury and plunged into the Nigata harbor semi-comatose. She remembered the sensation of the demon's poison searing through her body, paralyzing her, making her drown -- and then darkness. She woke up, fortunately, back in the safety of her clan's estate, the lone survivor. Her hatred of the Yomi only grew, focusing on the cold Emma-o. At that moment, the fires in her head exploded in renewed vigor, brighter and hotter than ever, revealing her Path -- she would indeed bring her holy fires of vengeance to the gates of Emma-o's black castle.

For the past five years, Hanabi proved responsible for the deaths of a half-dozen certified shikome and dozens of other slaves to Emma-o. Her merciless, brutal tactics make her feared and despised by all under Kakuri's banner. Other demons have begun to seek her out to try and corrupt and recruit her. Unfortunately for these Yomi, she has much hate to share with all demons, not just Emma-o's. At last, it was determined she bring her vengeance to a place it could be well-used -- Little Asia, Kansas City, USA. Joining with the Reito and her clanmates, she is like an angel of death. No one with the taint of Hell will be spared her vicious attentions. Her rage is hot enough to burn any who displease her really, so find cover.

Conspiracy to Murder

Since serving in the Reito, Konton encountered a number of other shen and shinta. None of them understood or appreciated her psychology. This has not changed even with the "safer" distance between Courts established now with the Coalition of Little Asia. After assaulting a Court-mate during the reign of Infinite Ages, Nekoko was forced to brutally punish Konton for shaming herself and the cabal. Konton learned her lesson since: a) don't shame herself, the cabal, or her family; b) don't waste time trying to communicate with any other shen or shinta, because they're idiots who don't understand a true warrior's mentality. Lost in their labyrinth of ethical grays and cultural leg-humping, they are all useless to Konton. Because while they sit and contemplate whether evil is really evil, Konton is busy planning a coup de grace that could very well change the face of Destiny forever.


The fire that drives her may consume her. An explosive temperament that too often overwhelms even her intense self-discipline, the mystick's Tamashii is an internal volcano constantly seeking eruption. She must learn to control that fire or at least save it for her enemies.

Likelihood of Corruption


Despite -- or because of -- her cold heart and fiery temperament, Konton would not be easily corrupted. Bloody and brutal as her Path may be, her Path is clear. She would not be easily dissuaded or misled by Yomi. Those demons who have tried in the past have been lined up beside their warmongering comrades. Her temper is not uncontrollable hatred as the hengeyokai feel. It is simply a manifestation of the insatiable fury of her Tamashii. Few demons recognize the difference, however...


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