Ryusugi "Konton" Hanabi

Magickal Style & Paradigm

Like all Go Kamisori Gama, Konton's mystick style is a mixture of religious devotion and the martial arts. Perceiving herself as a chosen agent of the Heavens and the kami, she goes about her duties and her magick with devotion. But she is not a priestess, she is a warrior, and a warrior of stealth. She operates from the shadows in all things, and the shadows conceal her operations in kind. Understanding of the worldly elements, devotion to the kami, and martial prowess are all extensions of her true awareness. She extends her will through such mediums, because she was chosen to do so for the gods. She is their sword, their firebrand, the caster of light -- that purifying light that the damned see before they are forced to return to Hell where they belong. To that end, she has developed many techniques to further her will's extension to many different aspects of the universe, illusory as it may be. Paradox arrives when she fails to fulfill the desires of the gods -- it is punishment for taking their gifts for granted.

To enact the will of Mado ("Windows" -- Correspondence), Konton is required to utilize a mirror. This mirror is octagonally-framed, and she prefers the frame to be of ash. The mirror itself she desires to be of the highest-quality glass and of course to be clean when she uses it. Peering through the window of the universe, the mirror serves as her looking glass to anywhere possible. In time, she may learn to step through that mirror (in which case, she'll need a bigger mirror). For now, she uses Mado to extend her awareness a fair distance away, and sometimes to steal or acquire (apportation) small objects from where she scries.

Ummei ("Doom" -- Entropy) is her method by which she sees the truth and lie, the order and chaos, the Yin and Yang, in all things. She finds her awareness of such matters are clearest when her hands are tightly wrapped up in binding cloths, bandannas, or even Ace wrappings. However, she normally chooses to wrap her fists up in a pair of red bandannas. So bound, she is reminded she cannot strike until she knows her target. Having these wrappings are still required of her Entropy Arts.

Her elemental might has evened out at a potent, competent rank in the Art of Seiryoku ("Energies" -- Forces). Always one of her natural Spheres, she summons her holy fire -- whether it comes as actual fire, or holy wind or some other elemental force, matters little -- she calls on the celestial force with a raging kiai. Her kiai are more like defiant screams than the standard "is-sah!", so it seems only proper when windows shatter, bones break, and flesh is incinerated when she cries her outrage at Hell's whiny whims. However, her kiai is not required for her Forces magick. She can make due with silent revenge when she must.

Her understanding of Iki ("Breath" -- Life), the mystickal element of wood, is still rather limited. She has learned to study the patterns of the flow of ki in living things but little more so far. Her focus for this awareness is a sacred dagger given to her on her day of Awakening. This tanto knife is matte-black and possesses a cold sheen. Tiny words are inscribed along its hilt that she has yet interpreted, for it is written in kaja and she does not understand that ancient language yet. The knife itself is not magickal (though will probably be the first Talisman she ever makes, if any), but serves as her unique focus. However, it is not required of her Iki.

For the Art of Genso ("Elements" -- Matter), she must pour blood. Though her own blood is not necessary, she often chooses to do so because...she's a willing donor. But the blood of any sentient creature will do. It represents the fluidity of water, one of the five elements and one covered by this Art, charging her subjects with the ability to change at her will. Depending on the nature of the magick she has in store, she may have to pour the blood on the subject, paint it on her eyelids, or even mix it into an alchemical potion to be consumed or splashed. Whatever the medium, this is no longer required of her Matter magick.

Her Craft specialty, Iko ("Designs" -- Mind), involves her meditating. Through this meditation, she relieves herself of the supposed illusions of the Tellurian universe and sees the truths behind the lies. Such awareness allows her to craft lies of her own -- illusions of the eyes and ears -- to better serve as a stealthy soldier of the gods. Her meditation may take a few seconds or a few hours, but she has grown quite skilled in this Art and does not require meditation.

To identify and manipulate Ki no Nagarette ("The Flow of Quintessence" -- Prime), she utilizes the connection between her own ki and that of other things and people around her. That connection, of course, is her blood. Unlike Genso, she is required to use her own blood. Often, if possible, she will shed her own blood ahead of time and keep it handy in times of need, hurling a tiny vial of it at her enemies, or even drinking it. Her blood represents her ki, and by sacrificing some, she gains power over others' ki (including the unclaimed ki of the void).

Yamabiko ("Echoes" -- Spirit) proved to be a Sphere Konton had a hard time learning. Through Nekoko's guidance she at last began to expand her awareness to the Wall and beyond. After all, her Destiny has her lined up for a confrontation with demons. She'd better be prepared for them. The physical Konton finds she can best concentrate on the spirit realms when she traces intangible, meaningful symbols (kaja, though she learns the symbols on a rote-for-rote basis) to her magick's intent. This brings her focus to the ethereal, and is rather necessary for the master demolitionist.

Despite her penchant for raw force, her true skill is found in Shunkan ("The Moment" -- Time). Though this Art, she understands the nature and patterns of temporal reality -- and its illusion. She can alter those illusions for others' misinterpretation in the same way she may do so with thoughts and emotions, a la Mind. Time, she realizes, is not an element so much as it is a vessel of Fate. And as Fate's servant, she rides that vessel towards her inevitable purpose. To summon the power of Time, Hanabi uses a source of fire. A single flame, even a match-head, is enough. Fire represents the Flow of Destiny. It is fierce, hot, chaotically rhythmic, and ultimately short-lived -- but all remember what it feels like, what it looks like. She does not need fire to work her Time magick, but usually uses it anyway, the pyro she is.


Her fiery Tamashii takes on an unclear presence. During her sagashite (Seekings), all she normally sees are bright colors, loud thunder, and explosions of lightning and fire. Her Avatar is an old spirit, a bearer of holy and righteous vengeance. It cannot be dimmed or quelled, only fed to make it hotter. In time, it consumes the mage in bloody-minded destruction, consuming the mage's life -- but not before taking the lives of Heaven's enemies, too. Her Avatar does not seek Ascension, but feels that the mystick will Ascend when she performs her duties. Her Avatar does not come across to Hanabi so much as a spiritual entity of some sort of raw emotion -- raw anger, hatred, and vengeance -- and it's up to her to form it and channel it into righteous ends and victory.


Static (Tenacious)

Konton's tenacity reflects. Bloody-minded and focused, trying to persuade Konton of taking up a new life-style is pointless. And in conversations about that, it grows tiresome talking to her about it -- +3 difficulty to such Social rolls. However, a -3 difficulty is applied to Social rolls that involved discussions of life-style when she's with persons of similar mind (demon hunters, for example).

Magickally, her Tenacious Resonance invokes a +1 difficulty penalty anytime she would attempt to magickally dissuade confrontation in her enemies. Her own tenacity is impressed upon those around. However, a -1 difficulty is awarded to spells that encourage a driven nature, even maddeningly so (e.g., a spell that invokes a berserk frenzy in a vampire or shifter).

Dynamic (Explosive)

Her Avatar appears to her as a raging firestorm. It's no wonder C-4 is her favorite thing since Jell-O. And it reflects more than anything else, socially especially. Like a kettle ready to overheat, she's often left alone. A +3 difficulty is applied to any Social roll made when Konton attempts to begin social interaction without directly approaching persons herself. People tend to avoid her unless she talks to them first. That works to her benefit, however, when trying to scare people away. A -3 difficulty is applied to such intimidating Social rolls. No one wants to be around a ticking time-bomb.

Magickally, the effects are fairly obvious. Any spell cast in an attempt to calm or pacify a person, place, or thing is negatively affected with a +1 difficulty. Spells cast to destroy a person, place, or thing with loud, explosive effect are cast at -1 difficulty.

Entropic (Murderous)

Konton is feared and distrusted due to her penchant for slaughter. Even if she kills those in need of killing, it's still killing. The look of grim, twisted satisfaction adds +3 difficulty to Social rolls whenever peace-talks or parleys are being made. Issuing death-threats, however, are not taken lightly from this mad bomber: -3 difficulty to such intimidating Social rolls.

Spells cast to heal others' bodies are rolled at +1 difficulty. Spells cast to directly harm others' bodies -- that is, the magick itself inflicts the damage (such as Rip the Man-Body) rather than an elemental attack that causes bodily harm (such as throwing a fireball) -- are made at -1 difficulty.

The Dojo Underworld (Sanctum)

~This bunker is the basement of the SABRA dojo in Little Asia. Konton made sure the cellar was sealed off from the rest of the underground city by thick concrete reinforcements and a blanket of mystic shadows, so that both city workers and sewer-borne shen aren't liable to ever stumble across it for any reason. Crumbling, wooden steps lead up from the cellar to a back-room in the dojo, and this remains to be the only way in. The walls, floor, and ceiling all bear a dark crimson stain -- blood, perhaps -- though whatever it is, it carries no smell of any sort. The room is dark and only old-fashioned torches resting in five sconces along the walls illuminate the chamber. To the west sit shelves and a low countertop stocked with numerous vials, beakers, chemicals, and herbs. The north wall of the basement rest more shelves, these lined with books, texts, and maps. The east bears a simple cot with a nearby dresser, and a heavy safe sits beneath the bed. Steel cases stand in the south of the cellar, each of them filled with Konton's impressive and terrifying modern arsenal. Hanging on the walls behind on traditional racks and hooks rest another host of weaponry, these cold metal and wooden tools reminiscent of a blood-stained heritage. And in the center of the room, Konton has set up a short, three foot tall, thick pillar made from gneiss. Resting on the pillar is an unmarred, octagonal mirror. The mirror is dark, revealing nothing til its master calls upon the Mado. Dangling from the ceiling high above the mirror is a string of triangular black beads. The cellar looks -- feels -- like nothing less than an asylum of war.~

OOC: Arcane 4 plus Mind-based cloaking


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