Ryusugi "Kobushi” Sanja

Reito no Kon
Reiryu-do no Yidan
Go Kamisori Gama no Sekkuku
Agent of the Court of Shooting Stars


Height: 5'6"
Weight: 155 lb.
Ethnicity: East Asian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple black
Clothing: Black or gray casual
Comportment/Cadence: Threatening
Distinctions: Brash, well-muscled Japanese woman bristling with a cocky but cold take-no-shit attitude
Supernatural Qualities: Few want to set their eyes on this intimidating woman for long, lest they gain the wrong kind of attention
Accoutrements: Hidden weapons
Traits: Appearance 4 (bold demeanor); Arcane 1

"Open or closed coffin?”


Date of Birth: June 16th, 1975
Home: Reiryu Estate, Hokkaido, Japan
Family: Ryusugi Ujinori and Sanno (foster parents, real parents unknown)
Awakening: Preordainment (likely born in Okinawa, was kidnapped as an infant during a Reiryu mission in the Ryukyu Islands; even as a child, she was belligerent and feisty, and she Awakened when an instructor was beating her for insubordination; Wild Talent empowered her to knock him down, and her gift was immediately recognized, celebrated, and initiated in advanced Go Kamisori Gama training), 1992
Mentor: Ishiwa Terunori
The Test: Trial by Combat (the accelerated training helped her develop her own specialty and clearly her talents lay to the opposite of kunoichi methodology; she easily held her own with all other brawlers)
Comrades: Nekoko, Gakai, Ginryu, Inzen, Konton, Kozui, Shusen, Saseyaki, Togeyabu, Kanazuchi, Suisei, Senpu, Toku
Key Event #1: War (the clan deployed her to Sapporo and other cities as an enforcer of criminal underworld interests that the Reiryu maintained at the time)
Key Event #2: War (she made a name for herself after beating rival gangsters and yakuza to death with her bare hands, including gaki)
Key Event #3: Awe & Wonder (but after several years, the Reiryu withdrew from most criminal enterprises, and she was given time on the estate to meditate and reflect prior her redeployment)
Transition: Reassignment (the clan decided to send her to Kansas City's Little Asia to serve in Nekoko's outfit, the Reito, and there she soon proved her chops fighting the various Yomi threats, fearlessly stomping bakemono and other foes bare-handed for the cabal while staying fairly remote from the rest of the shen in the Coalition)

Kentodojo (Sanctum)

Location: Little Asia, Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Structure: Apartment
Stock: Padded floors, well-used and bloody maka wara posts, clan banners, weapon racks
Traits: Arcane 3

Significant Other

Name: Ishiwa "Ginryu" Yujiro, 2006
Nature: Erotic


Bare-Knuckle Matching

Kobushi isn't afraid to put her fist through anything. There are plenty of things out there one really shouldn't touch, never mind punch.

Likelihood of Corruption


Despite her belligerence, she swaggers on a narrow path, and also benefits from Nekoko's oversight.


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