Princess Gwendolyn Ruairidh ni Gwydion
Grai Banna of the Rose Palace

Sidhe Wilder
Entrusted Lady of Caer Yocuna
Circle of Her Highest Confidence
Royal Heiress of the Kingdom of Grass


Mortal Seeming
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 115 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Sky-blue
Hair: Long simple golden-blonde
Clothing: Red or orange promenade formal
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: Gwen effectively has no Seeming!
Supernatural Qualities: Beauty beyond compare, a fairy goddess in the flesh, sweet and harmless, beyond all mortal fancy: Princess Gwendolyn enjoys all the wonders of her true nature at all times, which may be why one nearly never sees her outside her Seelie estates, hidden from the banal world: those gossamer butterfly wings spanning from her back would shrivel up, the elfin ears would shrink, and the sublime grace of her warm and welcoming smile would freeze and crumble; she is as a living myth, and subject to the disbelief of the countless dull and witless beyond her safe walls
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry; she owns (chimerical) arms and armor but rarely dons them
Traits: Appearance 7 (dreamy); Style 4 (sidhe wilders); Seeming's Blessing, Surreal Beauty, Sanctity, Winged; Cleared Mists

Fae Mien
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 115 lb.
Eyes: Sky-blue
Hair: Long simple golden-blonde
Clothing: Red or orange promenade formal
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Supernatural Qualities: Due to her blessings and curses, she effectively has no mortal Seeming! Her fae mien is her only mien!
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry; she owns (chimerical) arms and armor but rarely dons them
Traits: Appearance 7 (dreamy); Style 4 (sidhe wilders); Seeming's Blessing, Surreal Beauty, Sanctity, Winged; Cleared Mists

“Please, I just need to be alone for a while.”


Date of Birth: August 30th, 1984
Home: Caer Yocuna, Near Dreaming of the Kingdom of Grass, Concordia (Holden, Kansas City, Missouri, United States)
Family: Rian and Mary Elizabeth Ruairidh (parents)
Chrysalis: Preordainment (born to royal parents within a faerie stronghold, she was blessed by Soothsayers with the promise of Chrysalis, so it was just a matter of waiting and preparing; Queen Mary Elizabeth herself oversaw Gwen's rearing, ensuring she was raised as a princess; a flush of Glamour during a Pennons celebration triggered her Chrysalis in her adolescence), 2000
Mentor: Queen Mary Elizabeth
The Test: Trial by Influence (though raised to be her mother's heir, she was inducted into her father's House for political reasons during the Fior-Righ and Naming, much of which was ceremonial at that point since she already knew much about the Seelie life and monarchial expectations and duties she would one day undertake)
Comrades: Sean Ballinamore, Cavan Braith, Laurania Engel, Maelik Wren, Dominic Gy, Corteney Teegan
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (though her true form now shined through, living proof she was a product of pure faerie magic, she enjoyed a relatively "normal" Sidhe adolescence, if being a princess were ever normal; but that all changed a few years later at Pennons again, this time when she viewed the handsome and dashing knight competing in the events, Sean Ballinamore)
Key Event #2: Awe & Wonder (she and Sean began a secret but sweet and pure romance and even Oathed to one another)
Transition: Shift in Nature (though her royal family would disapprove of her love for a "lowly" knight, they kept their romance a secret and hidden through thick and thin, though both wondered what the future would and could really hold for them both, considering her intention to take up the crown one day, and that she would be expected to marry a higher-ranked noble)


Magnitude: Gwen enjoys a fairly solid memory of her past, most of which was time spent in Arcadia, as far back as just after the Shattering.
Details: Gwen only knows that while she enjoyed the blessings of beauty and serenity in Arcadia, she was not a caged bird there. She deeply resents the exile but tries to sublimate that bitterness into this world by hoping to enact reformist policies that encourages more beauty and kinship with mortals.


Chain Mail
Appearance: A full suit of custom-fitted steel chain-linked armor, with coif and leggings. It's heavy and uncomfortable. The chest has extra breastplate protection. She feels like she looks ridiculous in it and almost never wears it.
Origin: Inherent

Long Sword
Appearance: A slender double-edged sword about 35 inches long with a cross-guard hilt and jeweled pommel.
Origin: Inherent

Appearance: A slender double-edged knife with a jeweled pommel.
Origin: Inherent

Short Bow
Appearance: A recurved bow of yew, engraved with fey symbols, and includes a (daily) self-replenishing quiver of a dozen falcon-feathered arrows.
Origin: Inherent


Names: Ariella Waller, Imogen Hart, Caitlin Hughes, Maria Scott, Lacey Lewis, Holly Wyatt, Vera Garrett, Skye Davis
Roles: House Servants (maids, attendants, groomers, cooks, etc., kept Enchanted by the freehold reserves)

Bunk Styles

Style: High Fantasy
Examples: Kiss a jewel and touch subject, shower in rose petals, salute, recite lineage

Significant Other

Name: Sean Ballinamore, 2005
Nature: Romantic


Fairy Child

Gwendolyn is perfect. Too perfect for this cold, dark, banal world. She cannot leave the protective secrecy of her faerie keeps. Not only would it destroy the Right of Ignorance, Gwen herself would quickly wither from the Banality.

Likelihood of Corruption

Very low.

Aside from the risk of Bedlam (from being pent-up in a freehold), she is at no risk from wicked wiles.


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