Princess Gwendolyn Ruairidh ni Gwydion
Grai Banna of the Rose Palace


Player: Cam
Chronicle: Ashes of Now
Status: PC
Oathcircle: Circle of Her Highest Confidence
Concept: Caged Princess
Kith: Sidhe
House: Gwydion
Court: Seelie
Seeming: Wilder
Seelie Legacy: Orchid
Unseelie Legacy: Eye of the Storm
Romantic Legacies: Ingenue/Martyr
Political Impulse: Reformist
Apparent Age: 18
Real Age: 28
Chrysalis: 2000


Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
Social: Charisma 4 (genial), Manipulation 4 (expressive), Appearance 7 (dreamy)
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 2


Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 1, Dodge 1, Empathy 4 (emotions), Kenning 4 (freeholds), Leadership 3, Oral Expression 2, Poetic Expression 2, Style 4 (sidhe wilders), Subterfuge 3, Temporal Sense 1
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Archery 1, Etiquette 4 (faerie court), Melee 1, Ride 1, Stealth 1
Knowledge: Academics 2, Computer 1, Cosmology 3, Enigmas 2, Gremayre 3, Linguistics (irish) 1, Metaphysics 1, Occult 2, Politics 2


Arts: Dream-Craft 3, Soothsay 3, Sovereign 4
Realms: Actor 2, Fae 3, Prop 2, Scene 4
Backgrounds: Chimera 3, Remembrance 3, Resources 3, Retinue 4, Title 6
Glamour: 7
Banality: 4
Willpower: 6
Merits: Sanctity (2), Seeming's Blessing (5), Surreal Beauty (1), True Love: Sean (1), Winged (4)
Flaws: Curiosity (2), Cleared Mists (3), Deep Sleeper (1), Mentor's Resentment (1)

Miscellaneous Notes

Chimera: Long Sword, Dagger, Short Bow, Chain Mail
Oaths: 1) Oath of Fealty: Chief Greyhawk; 2) Oath of Fealty: Queen Mary-Elizabeth; 3) Oath of Truehearts: Sean Ballinamore
Bedlam: none today
Creativity: 4
Birthrights: Awe & Beauty; Noble Bearing
Frailties: Banality’s Curse
House Boons: Best Policy
House Flaws: Noble Temper
Musing Threshold: Infuse Giddiness
Ravaging Threshold: Drift Despair


Style: none (streetfighting)
Special Maneuvers (Brawl): none
Special Maneuvers (Dodge): Evasion
Special Maneuvers (Athletics): Breakfall, Jump
Special Maneuvers (Melee): Great Blow, Parry
Combinations (unarmed): none
Combinations (armed): none
Melee Weapons Techniques: Blades, Blunt Weapons, Fist-Loads
Ranged Weapons Techniques: Bows, Crossbows
Firearms Techniques: none
Common Weapons: Long Sword (Diff. 5, Dmg: Str+4, Accur. +1, Conceal: T; chimerical), Dagger (Diff. 5, Dmg: Str+1, Init. +1, Conceal: P; chimerical), Short Bow (Diff. 6, Dmg: 3, Rate: 1, Clip: 1, Range: 100, Accur. +1, Conceal: T; Ammo: standard; chimerical)
Armor: Chain Mail (+3 soak, -1 Dex)

Experience Points:

What is this?

Career Class: Dilettante
Drive: Passive
Social Activity: Introvert
Long Term Goals: 1) Rule in her father's or brother's steads; 2) Help make Concordia more open to all
Short Term Goals: 1) Escape this gilded cage; 2) Enjoy her romance with Sean fully
Religion: Animism
Politics: Feodality
Sex: Heterosexual/Monogamous
Traits: Romantic, Hopeful, Otherworldly, Dreamy, Desperate, Caged-Up, Delicate, Fragile
Additional Notes: none
