Lady Hollie McClellan ni Liam
Teasana Siochain of the Last Dreaming

Sidhe Wilder
Cloud Tamers


Mortal Seeming
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 125 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Sky-blue
Hair: Long simple red
Clothing: Black casual
Comportment/Cadence: Bashful
Distinctions: A lovely and fragile woman, quiet and gentle, yet also genteel and courteous; she typically wears unobtrusive attire and says very little indeed, lending to her unanswerable air of innocence and naivete
Supernatural Qualities: Perhaps her eyes are a give-away, for they are blue within blue like Dune; but really, something off about her tends to drive others away and leave her to the space she seems to prefer
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (divine); Style 4 (street fashion); Sanctity; Changeling's Eyes, Surreal Quality

Fae Mien
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 125 lb.
Eyes: Sky-blue
Hair: Long simple red
Clothing: White promenade formal
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Supernatural Qualities: Now Hollie's beauty ranges without compare, angelic and sublime in every sense, a jaw-dropping vision of what-was and what-could-be-again; she favors loose-fitting but voluminous and flattering white lace gowns, cut so that wings naturally growing from her shoulder blades can spread out, as they are large and colorful butterfly-like in nature, yet tattered and non-functional, with ragged holes in almost every gossamer membrane panel; her dreamy Sidhe view is that of a sylph beset by tragedy compounding an unanswerable air of innocence and naivete; no wonder something off about her tends to drive others away and leave her to the space she seems to prefer
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (divine); Style 4 (street fashion); Sanctity; Surreal Quality

“I don't claim to know how love works. I just know it does.”


Date of Birth: February 23rd, 1986
Home: Modesto, California, United States
Family: Ernie and Taylor McClellan (parents); Nils III (son)
Chrysalis: Preordainment (Hollie grew up in a middle-class family in northern California, always an artistically-gifted girl but she caught a bad case of mononucleosis in her adolescence; her Chrysalis came to pass when her Sidhe soul desperately fled from Arcadia, fleeing from an unknown gang of "dream slayers"), 2004
Mentor: Nils Samhradh
The Test: Trial by Influence (her Chrysalis proved both fateful and wondrous; Nils drawn to that flare of Glamour breaking Hollie out of her mono exhaustion; but his romantic streak broke through all of his desperation, sorrow, and misery, and the two fell in love at first sight, like the old tales of romance went; he proudly protected and guided the young Sidhe and even oversaw a bastardized version of the Naming ceremony for her, which the Dreaming clearly recognized anyway, even as he hoped to come to control the magical forces of Dán he saw in her, this unknown destiny he hoped to wrest from the forces of the Dreaming and by which to conquer it all)
Comrades: Nils Samhradh, Kadence Day
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (Hollie grew more aware of Nils' true nature, and her own, through rapidly retaining remembrance, yet she saw hope in staying with him, and besides the solitary and romantic life they shared in the Bay Area facilitated her artistic creativity and Reverie)
Key Event #2: Awe & Wonder (already Hollie saw herself having an effect on Nils: their saintly love only drew them closer together over the next few years and secretly "poisoned" him against the Cloud Tamers collective of Black Magicians he had joined with Nocenti and others; Hollie and Nils even had a son, continuing his family tradition and giving him the patronymic name)
Key Event #3: Awe & Wonder (Hollie's own potent and improving magical skills kept her hidden from all others, from the other Cloud Tamers to nosy Prodigals in the area, even as her Soothsay skills helped her identify the Samhradh sisters and other parties interested in saving Nils and destroying the Cloud Tamers)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (Hollie knew her serene life drew closer to its destined end, that she would soon be entangled in something glorious and/or tragic; she had no idea what her destiny was, and Nils couldn't figure it out either, but she began to intuit that it had something to do with Nils and the Cloud Tamers; she hoped now, more than ever, that she could help redeem Nils and together crush hate with love, or perish in the attempt)


Magnitude: Hollie possesses an intense and acute memory. Its very intensity helps hold back the Banality of the company she keeps. It reaches back many ages to the Sundering itself, even if most of her memories are of Arcadia.
Details: She can name several key personas in previous lives but all of them focus on the overwhelming truth and wonder of magic, which makes her an ambassador of it, as such.


Legacy of Romance Locket
Appearance: A simple silver chain from which dangles a silver locket engraved with the ancient Kith glyph for "true love". Inside is a picture of she and her true love: Nils Samhradh.
Origin: Inherent

Bunk Styles

Style: High Fantasy
Examples: Arcane chant, etch glyphs, create and drink potion, crystal divination, form a circle of rocks

Significant Other

Name: Nils Samhradh II, 2004
Nature: Romantic


The Devil's Lover

Hollie is tethered by her heart to one of the greatest faerie warriors who ever lived. Except he's not truly a faerie anymore. He's the worst thing to ever exist for the fae: Dauntain. But her heart keeps her true fae nature alive against the Banality of his cruel ambition. So far.

Likelihood of Corruption

Very high.

Tick tock. It's only a matter of time before Banality crushes all the Glamour out of her and she even forgets that she loved Nils and simply dies from the inside out. But she also sustains him, sustains hope...hope that his sisters and friends will save him before it's too late for them both.


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