
Nekoko has her deadly fingers in several pies in Kansas City. Her business and social exploits include:

  • Merchants' Association of Little Asia
    -- A formation of small businessmen in Little Asia, Nekoko leads this organization as Hinodi Kimi to improve the district's overall economy, protect the "little people" from mobsters and corporates, and bend the city's ear with the Association's direct impact on the tourist industry.

  • Smith-Hidaka, Co. (Bottled Water)
    -- Under the enterprising disguise as Hinodi Kimi, Nekoko established a special line of bottled water. The water contains a mild herbal concoction that adds to the flavor -- and alters every human's circulatory system who drinks it. The humans who drink a single bottle of this spring water suffer no ill effects but any vampire who drinks their blood might as well chug hydrochloric acid. (Humans who taste the Life Master's subtle/coincidental spring water permanently gain the Merit, Poisonous Blood). Sales peaked the first summer of production due to a regional drought, but have evened out. It is estimated that 45% of the human population of Kansas City is so "infected". Smith-Hidaka is now a corporate agency, albeit a very small one (yay, tax breaks).

  • Lotus Productions, Inc. (Lady's Perfume)
    -- A sister industry to the Smith-Hidaka bottled water line, Nekoko mass-produced and mass-marketed a new perfume called Lotus Petals in late fall of 2003, just in time to peak sales out at Christmas. Utilizing systems similar to the division of the bottled water, Hinodi Kimi demonstrates her consumer and retail sense with the gentle perfume. Those who wear the perfume notice little, but Kin-jin perceive the wearer as having infected blood, as a bad and unhealthy vessel, encouraging the vampire to choose another victim. More products are promised from Lotus Productions in 2004.

  • The Winter Sun
    -- A hot night club spot in Little Asia, Nekoko co-owns (also under the guise of the very successful Hinodi Kimi) this establishment along with the Court of Emerald Eyes' Po Jen. Its purpose is simply to provide a new height of fun for the night life. By guiding a large crowd of club-goers every night, the Winter Sun helps to sap the city's nocturnal predator population of its "mortal herd". Kin-jin have that much less "food", and Kuei-jin who want the best selection must come under the constant inspection of hsien and Shih.

    -- The Martial Arts Council of Little Asia was established for all regional masters of the martial artists, shen and mortal alike. Its purpose is to create an organization of true martial artists whose collective oversight can help protect the culture and mystery of the martial arts. Overcommercialization, excessive glamour, and wicked practitioners are all opponents of the MACLA. Through peer pressure and occasional political lobbying, the Council hopes to effect a positive end on the martial arts, locally if nothing else. They are also able to benefit one another through master level training seminars.

  • The Cat
    -- Nekoko's longest connection to Sleepers in Kansas City is also her darkest and most secret. In the guise of a renowned and so far infallible assassin, Nekoko hires herself out occasionally in the guise of "The Cat". She works primarily for Little Asia "institutes" in need of her services -- yakuza, Triads, and corporations, though her reputation is at least city-wide. The Cat, however, has made it known that she is a very good friend of Hinodi Kimi, and therefore protects the businesswoman. This helps prevent the criminals and corporate demons from trying to make a Jimmy Hoffa example of Hinodi Kimi (which would most likely fail, but nonetheless upset Nekoko's Sleeper ties).

The Crusaders

In 1999, Nekoko formed a "guild" entitled H.I., or Hunters, Incorporated. It involved both Sleepers and supernaturals, Eastern and Western...just, Americans. As her hunter's reputation spread, H.I. began to expand. Wanting to focus on her influences in Little Asia, she dissolved H.I. and invited all participants to join what would eventually become known only as the Crusaders. Now made up of nearly two hundred militant vampire and monster hunters, most of them are unAwakened mortals with only simple weapons training. When they aren't hunting, they're working normal lives. By night, they are vicious punishers of the wicked, using Nekoko's dragon spear design and firearms alike. Indeed, a small stockpile of military grade weapons -- M-16 assault rifles, high explosives, and even a small mortar -- are at their disposal. The Crusaders work in teams and several supernaturals besides Nekoko are directly involved -- mostly in leadership positions.

The "cleansing fires" in 2002 cleaned out Kin-jin in the hundreds -- making the vampire population of Kansas City actually acceptable by normal standards at last. In so doing, any renewed hopes of a Sabbat coup were cut down. Though the Camarilla suffered the fewest casualties (since the less cautious Anarchs and neonates felt the brunt of the Inquisition-like assaults), the defeat of the Tremere Chantry in the process has made the sect exceedingly paranoid in all activities in the city. It remains focused instead on watching for Sabbat resurgence and reclaiming financial elements. All of this is well-known to Nekoko through her vast spy network, who personally supervises the Crusaders' strategies and does much of the hunting instruction. She typically leaves "mission leadership" to the other shen involved, especially Zannin Choki. Nonetheless, this city-wide network of vampire hunters comprised of men and women of all ethnicities and ages is at her beck and call.

This is the terrible power of a Master of Mind: the command of the Masses.

Occasionally, a hunter's "true" identity is discovered and this often results in his death. But no Crusader has died unavenged yet, and their ranks swell. They swell slowly, because Nekoko keeps a tight cap on the bottle to avoid interference from agencies like the Inquisition or Technocracy. Every would-be Crusader is thoroughly interviewed by Nekoko and other leaders, and so infiltrators (unwitting or not) are exposed immediately. Though most of the Crusaders are aware of vampires and their weaknesses, they are overall fairly ignorant of the "Hidden World" and Nekoko keeps it that way.

For more information on the Crusaders, please click on the link found below:

The Devaki

In addition to the Crusaders, Nekoko has a dozen Go Kamisori Gama "Acolytes" to call upon as general security and operatives. These men and women come straight from Clan Reiryu like the Reito Cabal, but are Sleepers. Unlike the Crusaders, these are true ninja, and perhaps the deadliest Sleepers in the city. Their loyalty is to the Clan and therefore Nekoko, the ranking Reiryu in the area.

(This section is in reference to Nekoko's Military Force Background Trait.)

Note that all of these endeavors demanded a variety of accomplishments that would take up much too much space to list here. For details on how any of it was possible, e-mail me.

Nekoko's Kills

This keeps track of how many people Nekoko has killed. These numbers increase on a steady basis. Suffice to say, she has a lot of blood on her hands. Fortunately, 95% of her kills are genuine akuma, Yomi/Wyrm-corrupted, Infernalist, or just plain wicked. However, the other 5% includes (mostly mortals) those whom got in the line of fire, or for whom she was indirectly responsible for the deaths. One example includes two dozen women and children who were held hostage and hanged before she could rescue them, while assaulting a Gilledian's stronghold.

  • Cainites: 426
  • Wan Kuei: 18
  • Shapeshifters: 32
  • Wraiths: 6
  • Hsien: 1
  • Fae: 3
  • Mages: 19
  • Bakemono: 289
  • Mortals: 743
  • Spirits (Banes): 97
  • Demons: 512