Ishiwa "Senpu" Amaya

Reito no Chui
Reiryu-do no Godan
Go Kamisori Gama no Shujin
Agent of the Court of Shooting Stars


Height: 5'6"
Weight: 133 lb.
Ethnicity: East Asian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Medium braided brown
Clothing: Black archaic
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: Attractive Japanese woman with a strange sense of fashion but otherwise unremarkable
Supernatural Qualities: A slight breeze always seems to blow around her, even when inside, though her inherent shadow-mastery mostly cloaks it from casual notice. Mostly.
Accoutrements: Hidden weapons
Traits: Appearance 4 (slinky); Arcane 3; Echoes: persistent breeze (3)

"We are as a force of nature."


Date of Birth: February 3rd, 1946
Home: Yukoku Village, Reiryu Estate, Hokkaido, Japan
Family: Kawabe Katsutoshi and Tsuta (parents), Hoso (younger sister)
Awakening: Preordainment (born in a farming village of the Reiryu Clan estate to a farming family, she always acted strangely, preferring solitude; her Awakening came as a matter of maturity during her daily meditation and prayers atop a hill frequently awash with a high brisk wind), 1962
Mentor: Ishiwa Ujikiyo
The Test: Trial by Combat (inducted into the clan as a welcome initiate, her proper training began and she proved to have a real knack for the arts; her prickly attitude got her into trouble at times but her natural skill and devotion to training earned grudging respect from her sensei; her first mission to fully graduate, acting as a kunoichi in Sapporo, went off without a hitch: short and brutal))
Comrades: Satsuriku, Nekoko, Gakai, Ginryu, Inzen, Konton, Kozui, Shusen, Saseyaki, Togeyabu, Kobushi, Kanazuchi, Kaze, Suisei, Toku
Key Event #1: War (Senpu found herself in her clan's bloody rivalry with the Tenryu for several years; she always fought valiantly versus these other ninja, proving her skill; clearly she was a soldier more than assassin)
Key Event #2: War (a new team of Awakened Reiryu formed under young Master Satsuriku, Senpu included, and deployed to secure a rediscovered Dragon Nest known as Kasoke-Taru; visions predicted the interloping of Hakken "samurai" werewolves, so they came armed with silver weapons, so the fight turned relatively easily, if bloodily)
Key Event #3: Awe & Wonder (the team guarded Kasoke-Taru, during which time Senpu fell in love with Satsuriku and they began a quiet romance)
Key Event #4: War (later, the gaki learned of the Dragon Nest and coveted it, so dispatched Koga vampire ninja to claim; a brutal night of fighting ensued, yet the Reiryu prevailed, proving the mortal mages were the superior ninja)
Key Event #5: War (later still, the Zaibatsu/Iteration X moved in mightily upon the Node; she and her team tried to defend it but were overwhelmed and forced to retreat; Satsuriku sacrificed himself to cover their escape)
Key Event #6: Personal Tragedy (Senpu retreated to her hill summit on "sabbatical", meditating on the loss of her lover, icing over her heart)
Key Event #7: War (the Zaibatsu pushed their luck and forced their way through the thick forests of Hokkaido in search of the rumored and infamous ninja clan estate; Senpu now led a new team and took the element of surprise, mounting a vicious and tactically shrewd campaign of brutal and cold tactics that cut through the Technocrats, relying on coincidental magick and masterful mundane technique to one-up their over-reliance on gadgetry and machines, and the Zaibatsu retreated to hold the Node and no more)
Key Event #8: Awe & Wonder (this victory earned Senpu the right to choose her next deployment; she heard of Nekoko and her clanmate's plans abroad in America and opted to go and help)
Key Event #9: War (Nekoko wisely sensed Senpu's expertise and strategic command skills, so made her the lieutenant of her Reito squad; together, they cleaned out excess Kin-jin in and around Little Asia, Kansas City, consolidating the clan's power in the area)
Key Event #10: Awe & Wonder (meanwhile, Senpu's mastery of the Arts under Nekoko came gradually, through numerous lesser missions and years of meditation and communing with the voracious kami of the Midwestern winds)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (fianlly, Senpu readied the Reito to assist with Nekoko's great and ambitious evacuation plan in the dwindling twilight of this Fifth Age)

Chi-jinja (Sanctum)

Location: Little Asia, Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Structure: Wilderness Den
Stock: Isolated forest shack, torui Shinto gateway dedicated to the wind, Reiryu-go glyphs etched into trees and the earth with alchemically-treated blood from various shen foes
Traits: Arcane 2

Significant Other

Name: Kaze, 2006
Nature: Volatile


Passing Breeze

She's as frigid and unforgiving as a winter wind. Senpu has always preferred her solitude and losing Satsuriku all those years ago hardened her heart even more against close relationships. She may find her lone efforts ineffectual and futile.

Likelihood of Corruption

Very low.

Demons fear her, not least of all for her affiliation and current sensei, but also this slayer in her own right.


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