Matsudaira Chiyo

Gold Historian
Ora of the Mokolé
Sai Chau of the Zhong Lung
Ying-lung of the Emerald Heaven Clutch
Lunar Phantom of the Court of Bamboo Talons


Height: 5'5"
Weight: 115 lb.
Ethnicity: East Asian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple black
Clothing: Black or white casual
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: A gorgeous Japanese woman with a relaxed and wizened expression, she is often sedentary (and found basking outdoors somewhere), daydreaming and detached, yet friendly and inviting
Supernatural Qualities: There is something in her eyes besides a curious vibrancy, isn't there? Her draconic lineage cannot be denied
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 4 (sensual); Style 1; Pure Breed 4; Glory 5, Virtue 8, Wisdom 8

Height: 12'10"
Weight: 475 lb.
Eyes: Gold
Hair: none
Supernatural Qualities: Dragon!!!! Lithe and sensuous, she appears at first glance to be some sort of celestial python, whose jade-colored scaly body, as thick as a tree trunk, coils with inhuman grace, even that razor-tipped tail, but it's the head that steals all the attention: majestic, crowned with a bony crest that seems made of gold into the form of a crown, while great orbs for eyes blaze with heavenly, golden light; she does not bear whiskers, but under her long maw of razor-sharp teeth, embedded into the scales of her throat, pulsates a great white pearl that swirls with scarlet power, the heart of a dragon; great wings of almost ethereal pale-white feathers steadily beat, prepared to lift her off the ground in the dragon's mystery of flight itself, and none can doubt she is among the purest Zhong Lung
Traits: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 4; Delirium; Glory 5, Virtue 8, Wisdom 8

Height: 9'10"
Weight: 315 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: none
Supernatural Qualities: Dragon!!!! A Komodo dragon, that is: she is a huge lizard, almost ten feet long, bowed legs and clawed feet low to the ground, a thick tail propelling her faster forward than her short body implies she can move, a large and flat head occasionally exposing dangerous razor-sharp white teeth, a frothing pink mouth (poisonous? stick your hand in there and find out!), and a black tongue; but largely she seems content to seek warmer weather within that dark-green scaly skin, all of her adding up to a specimen bred well and true
Traits: Appearance 4 (sensual); Pure Breed 4; Glory 5, Virtue 8, Wisdom 8

“I'd be glad to help you. Follow me to the koi pond. I'm going to take a nap on my favorite rock. That'll help you.”


Date of Birth: June 16th, 1985
Home: Ibusuki, Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan
Family: (unknown Komodo dragons back in Indonesia)
First Change: External Supernatural Trigger (she was born on Komodo Island but taken by zoologists when very young as a conservation specimen to a southern Japan adjunct to the Kirishima-Yaku National Park; she thus grew up in quasi-captivity and became used to lazy warm days if chilly winters; her Change came when she basked in the sun so long that Amaterasu herself stirred her dragon soul through the pineal eye atop her head; "burning her third eye wide open", as she would explain, granting her Memory that peaked with her taking her true form, spreading her wings, and simply flying away), 1990
Mentor: Eto Hogai
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (her Memory also led her to the nearest and oldest Beast-Court outside Kagoshima, the Court of Moonlit Winds, where she was most welcome and took up the Great Burden to join the hengeyokai; she received a basic education there before flying herself south to a clutch of Zhong Lung in the Philippines to learn more specifics of her own people; she earned her place among both by providing strategic chuming to a sentai's raid on a corrupted Kuei-jin spirit-base west of Nagasaki; for her majestic wisdom and cunning, the court named her after the feudal general)
Comrades: Hideyo Miyo, Yamakita Mori, Adri Gan Khon, Dalal Ghanam, Ravi Dattavalaram, Bo-Jing Qi; Cai Shou, Jun Ng, Rakhi Jijotiya, Daya Saraswati, Xuan Wuhan
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (even while young, she often seemed lazy, preferring to spend her days sun-bathing, as if soaking up the wisdom of the sun goddess)
Key Event #2: Awe & Wonder (she was frequently consulted for her Memory and savvy chuming, and earned her second Rank with such wisdom)
Key Event #3: War (still, the warriors occasionally dragged her along, especially when dealing with Yomi spirits, particularly Yin ones—spectres, which she aided with the best she could, as she was no medium)
Key Event #4: War (an Innocent set a mind-trap for her, and she learned it was such a dark spirit of a past life of hers, she defeated its trap and while sympathizing with its sorrow, made penitence by denouncing her past folly and then vanquishing the spirit for the time being; the Wani reported her victory and it earned her the next Rank)
Key Event #5: Awe & Wonder (she took on more and more an advisory position, an assistant to the gai'nan; she guided the court through crises notably when dealing with demonic or spiritual enemies; the Dragon Nest's Wani Totem came to disapprove of the entire Beast-Court's behavior, so she made amends on behalf of her people through meditation, prayer, and the sacrifice of an important fetish)
Key Event #6: Awe & Wonder (after achieving the Rank of Gold, Yamakita Mori called for her assistance across the seas; a vision she received not long before his request guided her to accept the call)
Transition: Reassignment (so Chiyo moved across the world, settled into the Beast-Court in the middle of America, somewhat troubled by the Coalition of shen, as all conscientious hengeyokai would be, but she kept the open mind that Yamakita-san wanted her for; in Little Asia, she was rarely seen in public, but did befriend the mortal doctor, Dr. Miyo Hideyo; she was deeply saddened to hear of the doctor's untimely death, but heartened when Miyo began to visit her...from across the Wall, a sorrowful but hopeful Yin-spirit)


Magnitude: Chiyo can casually recall the Cambrian, when the Emerald Mother hadn't even decided on life's forms yet
Details: She knows she herself has been a flippant girl in previous lives, but more importantly to the Memory is the panorama of the past reaching back to supercontinent eons, of the abundance of life recovering from frigid ice ages

Battle Scars

Class: Deep
Description: Raw reddening
Location: Pineal eye
Origin: She occasionally "cooks" herself too long when basking and one time literally scalded her pineal eye when her haunting Dream Hunter kept her lost in the Memory too long
Effects: If struck directly on that spot in Dracos or Archid forms (the pineal gland is embedded too deep in the brain for it to be a concern in Homid), she is badly disoriented and anguished for 3 turns, suffering +2 difficulty to all rolls


Dream Trap
Appearance: A carefully woven curtain of foot-long wispy white feathers (from her own Archid wings), each carefully inked with hengeyokai glyphs and kanji
Origin: Creation
Effects: Any spirit (Yin or Yang) that attempts to bother her while she sleeps with this fetish activated risks becoming trapped and effectively paralyzed
Activation: She must carefully arrange the feathers around her bed and whisper a prayer to Tsukiyomi (Luna)

Moon Signs (talens)
Appearance: A small wax seal engraved with the hengeyokai glyph for "Phantom"
Origin: Creation
Effects: Force a shapeshifter to take its animal form (Lupus, Feline, Dracos/Suchid, etc.)
Activation: She must throw it down at the shapeshifter's feet; she has 3 such talens left

Significant Other

Name: Hideyo Miyo, 2011
Nature: Companionship


Busy Sleeping

Like so many Zhong Lung, Chiyo's busy not being busy. She "sleeps" frequently: many naps, many sun baths, many "do not disturb" signs hung on the door (proverbially speaking).

Likelihood of Corruption

Very low.

With her wisdom and spirit-savvy, she's more likely to convince a Bane to change its ways and return to Gaia.


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