Morgase Arayba

Celestial Chorus
Disciple of the Crossroads Chantry
Latitudinarian of the Congregation of Abundant Refrains


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 134 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long simple red
Clothing: White, black, or green casual
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: Attractive and conscientious young woman
Supernatural Qualities: Although beautiful, she is soon forgotten as "another pretty face" of no consequence
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 4 (lovely); Style 2; Arcane 3

“Well, I'm not really sure—we can ask God but I don't think he's going to respond and even if he does, we won't like the answer.”


Date of Birth: August 27th, 1981
Home: Chesterfield, Missouri, United States
Family: Robert and Ellen Arayba (parents), James (older brother)
Awakening: Preordainment (family non-denominational evangelical Christians in St. Louis suburbs; father rose from choir director to become pastor of what was growing into a megachurch, especially with her father's fire-and-brimstone-styled pulpit and his John the Baptist-like deep immersion baptisms, with which he especially went overboard; Morgase expressed unease and rebelliousness, so he forced her baptism and virtually drowned her; she Awakened during that NDE, and it took a dark but wholly internalized turn when her Avatar's past lives threw her into panic mode), 2001
Mentor: Bruce Hillock
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (she ran away from home, her Awakening somewhat stunted by those past lives, which she blanked out of memory; as a drifter, she strayed out of Chesterfield and into St. Louis, where she was seduced and nearly Embraced by a "friendly" Kindred; the local Chorus sensed her Awakening, however, and rescued her from the vampire, and their relaxed and ecumenical approach to the supernatural helped calm her down and begin her Catechism)
Comrades: Nelson Blessing, Madlen Antrobus, Phillip Young
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (dealing with the aftershocks of the nature of her Awakening, Morgase began to crusade against evangelical extremism, sparking young groups on college campuses to preach open-mindedness)
Key Event #2: War (her work, along with other local Choristers and Templar allies, came under fire when the Technocracy and Syndicate came after the entire chantry through "fraud" allegations into their financial backgrounds; she helped drive off a team of "Gray Men" during a particularly tense confrontation)
Transition: Reassignment (though the dust settled with the Union for now, her mentor recommended some of the Choristers relocate, and she was sent to Kansas City's Crossroads Chantry, where she grew more confident in both her powers and beliefs, more prepared to confront her own fears and nightmares)

Reflection Nook (Sanctum)

Location: Handel House, Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Structure: Apartment
Stock: Personal altar, sacrarium with the Host, large crucifix, small cot and living space
Traits: Arcane 3

Significant Other

Coming soon!

Hell Is Being Stuck

Morgase escaped her unbearable father and that megachurch. However, she has not and cannot escape herself, the torments that poison her Avatar with fragments of a past (or pasts) she herself never lived.

Likelihood of Corruption


Morgase is a moral woman, firm in her beliefs, but she also suffers deeply embedded spiritual problems that a cunning demon could exploit.


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