Lital Jerayesh
“Regent of Essence”

Viskr of the Storm
Kumoti of the Ananasi
First Anansi of the Damhàn
Mao'lung Fragments (Adjunct)
Amari Aliquid of the Colony of the Inert Basin


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lb.
Ethnicity: Unclear (White/Middle Eastern)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple brown
Clothing: White business casual or red promenade formal
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: This Mediterranean woman commands a beauty that resonates in any age, with a supreme sense of classical fashion and a demeanor that exudes a simple yet intoxicating presence
Supernatural Qualities: There is definitely something off about her, however, as if she's not quite in the right place and right time, and that secret little smile that she seems to share with just you only adds to the unease
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (timeless); Style 5 (classic); Sex Appeal; Disconcerting; Cunning 10, Obedience 10, Wisdom 10

Height: 9'10"
Weight: 300 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Long wild black
Supernatural Qualities: There isn't just something off about her in this form, she's a downright terrifying monster; from the waist up, she's vaguely human, with slender arms ending in deadly talons and a head marked by alien monstrosity: her eyes deepening into black compound orbs of arachnid awareness, her canines elongating into venom-dripping fangs, and her features hardening into malicious regard; far worse is her lower half, as from below the navel down her form is that of a massive spider, a large round abdomen gray-white in hue like a bleached bone, with six bare legs to match, all of her now possessing unnatural agility and predatory poise
Traits: Appearance 0; Disconcerting; Delirium (reduced); Cunning 10, Obedience 10, Wisdom 10

Height: 9'5"
Weight: 320 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: none
Supernatural Qualities: Likewise, there isn't just something off about her in this shape, she is also a horrifying monster, a monstrous spider as large as a compact car, with eight bare legs impelling her swiftly forward, an abdomen and thorax matching in bone-white colorlessness, and an alien face with compound insectoid eyes, long pedipalps, and hungry fangs
Traits: Appearance 0; Disconcerting; Delirium (full); Cunning 10, Obedience 10, Wisdom 10

Height: >1"
Weight: >.5 lb.
Supernatural Qualities: Though a tiny white spider whose individual bite poses little real threat to humans, this relative of the wolf-spider is dexterous enough to flip onto its side and cartwheel down-slope at speeds up to 1 meter/second, so whether encountered in this form as a single spider or many (more commonly), she often positions herself prudently for a strategic escape
Traits: Appearance 5 (timeless); Disconcerting; Cunning 10, Obedience 10, Wisdom 10

“I'm an observer of the Great Web here, nothing more. Some great power lingers in this place.”


Date of Birth: January 30th, 2686 BCE
Home: Uruk, Sumeria (ruins in Al-Hajarah Desert, Iraq)
Family: (unnamed Kinfolk spiders)
Metamorphosis: Observed Injustice (Lital was born a humble yellow-sac spider in ancient Sumeria, in the heart of one of humanity's first cities, nearly 4,700 years ago; her Metamorphosis arrived after months of observing the human nobles in the home she shared, her curiosity growing exponentially, and finally she shifted to Homid to interact with them, awkwardly of course, but it was a start), 2685 BCE
Mentor: Queen Ananasa
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (in these early days of post-Interregnum human civilization, the Queen herself still contacted and guided her newborn children; through visions, she guided the confused Lital out of Uruk to a simple irrigation system nearby from the Euphrates River, there to set up her Sylie in an unused fishing shed; Lital began communing directly with the Queen once she built her first web, learning the essence of her future role, how she would always push for dynamic change in the world, riding atop waves of stagnation and corruption and snipping from the top echelons of fallen humans, those who would commonly come to be called mages, and particularly how her main job would be to develop specific variations to counter imbalanced magic of all Ovid and supernatural creatures of the world that would define Viskr power)
Comrades: Tess Smith
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (1st Mission: Lital's very first mission was to study these early mages both as infiltrator and spy, who developed the trappings of a proto-Hermetic paradigm, and she learned the theory of their Arts and the metaphysics behind them, particularly Paradox; many years of such patient and fruitful examination earned her first Rank promotion as well)
Key Event #2: Awe & Wonder (2nd Mission: she helped establish Spider-spirits loyal to Queen Ananasa rather than the Weaver around and within human civilization; this work was not merely spiritual but also required she manipulate natural spider species, and such ecological machinations helped her achieve yet another Rank)
Key Event #3: War (3rd Mission: the Queen directed Lital to work with the local colony of Damhàn as they engaged in open war with the spirits and drones of camel spiders that the Weaver deployed against them; it was much like a redux of the Insect Wars, and again the Damhàn prevailed, often by leading the Weaver's soldiers into battles with unwitting allies like the Garou...earning Lital her fourth Rank)
Key Event #4: Awe & Wonder (4th Mission: Lital obeyed the order to "submit" to the Microcosm awhile, to prove her instincts had not dulled after so long among humans; she first discovered by accident that she could alter her Arachnid speciation by consuming spiders of other breeds, and proceeded to transform into a common wolf spider breed, and then used that to help ramble all over the Old World, experiencing the Microcosm in a macrocosmic way)
Key Event #5: War (5th Mission: the Queen recalled Lital to assist with a Wyrm-worshiping human cult back in Sumeria, so she employed strategies similar to the camel spider conflict: she used her Viskr rites to "unweave" the infernalists' protective wards on their dark vaults, and then she led heroes, namely Garou, into the darkness to destroy the cultists; once more, still this very first mortal life, she was promoted and achieved the fifth Rank)
Key Event #6: Awe & Wonder (6th Mission: Lital continued her devoted "life-quest" of gathering the secrets and workings of all forms of magic and how to counter or unweave them all; for this important work, Queen Ananasa let Lital in on the secret of "immortality", how to take over hosts' bodies and live a new life, so long as Lital bound herself in secret to the queen at the price of annihilation should she break the sacred oath)
Key Event #7: Treachery (Lital's first victim was a beautiful young woman, a priestess of Ishtar in Ur; it took her awhile to acclimate to the process and conquer and consume the priestess's will, but the process would become easier for Lital in time)
Key Event #8: Awe & Wonder (7th Mission: so began her "life-quest" in earnest, she next observed and came to understand and develop Paradox-based counters to Kindred blood magic)
Key Event #9: War (likely due to quiet alliances between urban Damhàn and the Cainites, as well as her denial of aid out of political disinterest to those Damhàn [as the Queen did not command it], her "fellow" werespiders drove her out Mesopotamia altogether)
Key Event #10: Awe & Wonder (8th Mission: she once more traveled the rest of the Old World, lingering in ancient Greece, there to observe the Black Fury Garou and their Artemisian priestesses' mystical rituals, developing Viskr counters even for them)
Key Event #11: Awe & Wonder (9th Mission: she voyaged back across the Mediterranean to North Africa, there to secretly study the Bastet, particularly the Bubasti, and learn how to unweave cat-magic)
Key Event #12: Awe & Wonder (10th Mission: she crawled also into Egypt during the Old Kingdom, very carefully and sneakily studying the Shemsu-Heru, the Spell of Life, and mummy magic in general)
Key Event #13: Awe & Wonder (11th Mission: she tracked an Ishmaelite out of Egypt into Libyan Cyrenaica, who met with a mortal nomadic people of different culture and belief of the local tribesmen; thus, did she first encounter the ancient Romani and, through her espionage, learned not only how to counter "Gypsy magic" but also learned of the Seeds of Daenna and the Grand Configuration;)
Key Event #14: Awe & Wonder (she never acted directly against the Roma, fascinated by their own "life-quest" that shared similarities with her own, and vowed to never harm them, not even for food, so her examination of these people took longer than usual, many years of accompanying their nomadic journey around the Old World)
Key Event #15: Treachery (Ancient Lives: six lives notably spread across this ancient era for Lital, over 500 years until roughly 2,000 BCE: the ancient Babylonian priestess, then an Assyrian soldier, a Greek farmer, Egyptian sculptress, Berber shepherd, and finally a Romani seer who was dying from cancer)
Key Event #16: Awe & Wonder (12th Mission: then began one of Lital's most vital tasks, as the Queen called her into the darkest recesses of the Umbra, to linger near her prison deep in the heart of the Wyrm's realm, to reflect, meditate, and defend her; to help in that task, she was promoted again to the sixth and final Rank of the Damhàn)
Key Event #17: War (Lital discovered that her queen was not under attack by the Wyrm, who was content that she was locked away, but rather the Weaver, who always feared Ananasa's escape and sent waves of calcifying spirits at the goddess; Lital fought these armies, calling upon her own spirit allies)
Key Event #18: Awe & Wonder (13th Mission: after an indeterminably long and brutal war to defend her queen ended, she was given leave, and Lital chose to explore the spirit realms, leaving this Malfean sub-realm by the very same Great Web that the Weaver's forces used to invade; she had the secondary goal of getting a better grasp of understanding spirits' own magical powers, Charms, in order to counter them)
Key Event #19: Awe & Wonder (14th Mission: she lingered in the Middle Umbra, exploring realms such as the primeval "Spiderhome")
Key Event #20: Awe & Wonder (15th Mission: she also explored a futuristic Weaver realm called the "Digital Web", millennia before humans would grasp it in the Tellurian)
Key Event #21: Awe & Wonder (16th Mission: her last major Umbral stop was an apocalyptic Hellhole, where she saw how the world would be, and was being, undone through plague and war)
Key Event #22: Personal Tragedy (while there, even she found herself nearly corrupted and possessed by a powerful Bane-spirit, but she countered its efforts with Viskr rites and escaped)
Key Event #23: War (17th Mission: Lital at last exited the Umbra and discovered she had spent 3,000 years of her life there, though realized much of that was probably spent at her queen's side in defense; she soon received her next directive, to go to medieval France, to the castle at Mistridge, and unweave the wards so that the fallen mages could be purified by their own kind, thereby sabotaging the supremacy of traditional mysticks)
Key Event #24: Treachery (18th Mission: her work in Europe far from complete, she next voyaged to Vienna, undermining Tremere rituals, delaying if not sabotaging schemes of the bloodline's founder; she also changed to the species of black widow at this time)
Key Event #25: Treachery (19th Mission: the Inquisition became a serious threat to all supernatural beings in this era, and Lital vowed to disarm the humans of their so-called holy magic; she stole into Rome and burnt books and scrolls containing Theurgy spells and rites; witch-hunters chased her, and she discovered their True Faith countered her own counters, as if they had control of a kind of Paradox themselves; they drove her "unholy soul" out of Italy and into the sea, and she recoiled into a virtual comatose state of cocooned hibernation to survive)
Key Event #26: Treachery (Medieval Lives: she took the lives of an Austrian milkmaid and later a Spanish friar to do her work, but when the Inquisition caught up to her, she had taken a Moorish dancing girl)
Key Event #27: Personal Tragedy (spirit allies carried her from the Tyrrhenian Sea and back into Rome, to the ancient ruins to rest and recuperate for long years of hibernation)
Key Event #28: Treachery (20th Mission: Queen Anasasa awoke her in the 19th-century to oppose the early years of Pentex and its robber barons' infatuation with ancient Wyrm-worshiping cults; Lital infiltrated the British Isles, finding as many ancient magical clues first before the occultists could and erasing them entirely)
Key Event #29: Treachery (21st Mission: she had only limited success in that endeavor, as humans had quickly grown technologically savvy in recent years; her next mission was even less fruitful, as the queen entrusted Lital to stop humans from uncovering the science of nuclear power; obviously, she failed utterly to stop the science of fission, the research primarily in America where she had not yet ever even visited, but she did stop fusion researchers in England dead in their tracks, a careful process that took her decades)
Key Event #30: Treachery (22nd Mission: her next task drove her back to Africa in the 1990s, where she traveled farther south than she had before into sub-Saharan Africa, and there she intervened secretly to aid the early pre-Ahimsu Ovid, primarily by feeding bad information to the spirits aligned with Swara who served the Endless Storm, and the false or incorrect omens spoiled Black Tooth's greatest ritual of destruction, stolen from the Ajaba; this was also when she switched species again to the wheel spider)
Key Event #31: Treachery (23rd Mission: her most recent assignment from the Queen finally took her overseas to North America, where she was to begin tracing the ley lines here in connection to the impending Apocalypse, while consolidating her Paradox lore in preparation for the Grand Configuration)
Key Event #32: Treachery (Modern Lives: notably in the 20th-century, she took the roles of a female German physicist, then a female embassy-based Israeli Mossad spy, the latter of which she yet maintained)
Key Event #33: Personal Tragedy (through all these ages, all these many lives, Lital never experienced romantic love, only the occasional sexual escapade...and she never missed it, she did not care)
Transition: Reassignment (Lital traced a key ley essence of the Grand Configuration to New Orleans, and there encountered the Mao'lung Exigency and its chief representation in Nekoko, and for now hung back to analyze her relevance to the Apocalypse)


Location: Mississippi River Delta, Louisiana, United States
Structure: Wilderness Den/Cabin
Stock: An old, abandoned fishing house, filled with some basic modern comforts, and with a secret slip into a burrow she dug into the ground below for safer sleeping


Fly Line
Appearance: A preserved length of bundled and woven spider silk that forms a thin cord about six feet long
Origin: Creation
Effects: Detect nearby ley lines and where they lead (namely, caerns/Nodes)
Activation: She carefully sets the cord out and lets "the wind" (Gnosis) redirect where it points, as a kind of flexible dowsing rod

Appearance: An old-fashioned but well-polished, razor-sharp falcata sword engraved with mysterious Damhàn glyphs
Origin: Creation
Effects: Inflict terrible wounds and drain an enemy of his mystical power source (Gnosis, Quintessence, Blood Points, etc.) at the same time
Activation: It must be blooded in the wielder's hand as a normal sword; thereafter it functions fully as a magical fetish-weapon

Significant Other

Name: Tess "Nekoko" Smith, 2012
Nature: Companionship


Ancient and Forbidden

Lital is both a keeper of secrets and destroyer of them. She knows much and has deliberately forgotten, erased, much more. She is one of Queen Ananasa's greatest champions, and as such is ultimately an enemy of everyone and no one at the same time.

Likelihood of Corruption

Very low.

Woe to the foolish demon that tries to tempt or corrupt this unspeakably old Viskr.


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