Phebe Brody

Winterhawks (Honorary)


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 136 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long simple blonde
Clothing: Red and black casual
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: A beautiful young woman of middle-class urbane fashion and hopeful pleasantry
Supernatural Qualities: Though usually focused on the world around her, her gaze seems to frequently flit away as if looking for (or seeing) something else
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (innocent); Style 2

“Hold on, guys. Guys, wait. I'm...seeing...I can see tomorrow, and it looks like this plan...”


Date of Birth: November 17th, 1988
Home: Scanton, Pennsylvania, United States
Family: Jack and Uniqa Brody (parents)
Awakening: Preordainment (her parents belong to a traveling carnival, and in their travels must have been exposed to radiation or Paradox or something, because Phebe was born early but survived; and from childhood, as early as she could recall, she was always considered "off" even by carnies, as she began to have visions, starting with the horrible sight of foretelling her parents' death: lynched by an angry mob who thought the carnies scammed them and that her parents were "gypsies"), 1992
Comrades: Adar Manysend, Akilina Ustin, Cyril Karp, Elbridge Docker, Christa Docker, Pauline Valentine Angèle Marie, Ludmila Savelievna Zhurova, Zinaida Makarovna Rykova, Alexander Dragovets, Leta Dragovets, Roman Vladislav, Giselle Yanovna
Key Event #1: Personal Tragedy (feeling ostracized as an orphan and "seer" in the traveling troupe, she ran away and "unjoined the circus"; she was able to avoid the troubles most runaway teens suffer, as her visions quickly grew quick, regular, and powerful and enabled her avoid most problems)
Key Event #2: War (a Pentex First Team was dispatched because Project: Odysseus got wind of her "gifts" through interrogating her former fellow carnies; she fled into a forest, per her vision, where the First Team ran square into a Silver Fang hero who slaughtered them savagely and saved her)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (she fell in love with her savior, Adar, and swore herself to him as his aid and counsel, offering the power of her visions; Adar was reluctant at first but soon accommodated her)

Significant Other

Name: Adar Manysend, 2008
Nature: Romantic


Seer's Curse

Phebe's problem isn't that people don't believe her. Adar and his Garou buddies do. The problem is how much she can see. It often overwhelms and she may interpret conflicting messages as a result.

Likelihood of Corruption


Though surrounded by Garou heroes, her psychic talents leave her "open" more than most humans.


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Hunters of Shadows

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