Polly Benjamin

Forever More


Height: 4'11"
Weight: 95 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple brown
Clothing: White and green casual
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: A sweet young lady in her mid-teens, taken too soon from this world, she wears casual clothing typical for a girl her age, but sometimes manifests her Girl Scout uniform instead; regardless, she always comes off as vulnerable and in need
Supernatural Qualities: No visible death-marks mar the girl's corpus, but nothing good could have resulted in her being on this side of the Shroud at her tender age
Accoutrements: Butane lighter
Traits: Appearance 4 (pretty); Style 1; Pitiable

“There are real and scary monsters out there. So if you hear me say run, you'd better run.”


Date of Birth: March 28th, 1992
Home: Stilwell, Kansas City, Kansas, United States
Family: Milton and Sarah Benjamin (parents), Joseph (older brother)
Death: Personal Tragedy (grew up in rural Midwest America, joined the Girl Scouts and devoted to that as her primary extracurricular activity in grade school; but her entire troop except herself was slaughtered while camping by werewolves; she, the lone survivor, was taken under wing, protective custody, and exploitative thralldom by a werewolf hunter, Gary Grimm, and even helped him in his hunts; he could not protect her forever, however, and she was finally killed by werewolves attacking his trailer), 2009
Mentor: Sardis
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (she was Reaped by the Awakeners with no particular expectations; they recognized her "fate marks" and turned her over to the local small branch of the Harbingers guild, who guided the confused dead teen through the Enfant stage of death)
Comrades: Nathan Gramm, Elisa Clady, Patrick Clady, Spencer O’Day, Demi O'Day
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (she took on the ghostly ways of her new existence with grim determination to serve as warning to the Quick about the hazards of the supernatural monsters out there)
Transition: Loss of Companions (despite her intense connection to the man who first saved and then abused her trust, Polly avoided the still-living Gary entirely, and survived largely on her own with her knack for Argos)

The Shadow

Appearance: Polly's Shadow appears as a sophomorically angry yet emo-ishly despairing teenager, which isn't far from what she really is, save that her Psyche channels her tragedy to useful and positive ends
Trigger: Whenever she's leading others or others are acutely dependent on her.

Artifacts & Relics

Butane Lighter (Relic)
Appearance: A slender igniter dependent on Pathos for fuel
Origin: Inherent

Significant Other

Name: Nathan Gramm, 2011
Nature: Companionship


Another Teenaged Victim

What Polly suffered is not uncommon at all in this dark world, though few girls her age demonstrate sufficient will to stick around in the Underworld. Her informal circle of fellow spirits have all suffered at the hands of monsters, and Sardis (and the Awakeners in general) gather such restive spirits in anticipation of the impending Endtimes for reasons yet undisclosed...

Likelihood of Corruption


Polly's a sweet girl who has seen and experienced horrors and misery, but who is now so mistrustful that she tries to face it all alone.


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