Vinessa Cooper

The Arcadians


Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple brown
Clothing: Black promenade formal
Comportment/Cadence: Bashful
Distinctions: With her Mask up, Vinessa is quite lovely: a classy, striking woman with a fetish for speakeasy-styled dresses and stately beauty, and a penchant for feminine cigarettes, replete with silver holder, though any fame she may have once had as a performer has been lost and forgotten
Supernatural Qualities: Her true cursed form is far less appealing: her luscious mane of hair remains intact while her face pales to a deathly state, while it appears some sort of palsy causes half her face to droop, while her lips vanish and turn her mouth into a crimson gash, and while all of her skin has paled, some patches of her skin all over gray like a several months-old corpse, and gives off the appropriately foul odor; curiously enough, her mirror image (including her reflection if caught on camera or film) appear exactly as her "default" Mask, her original remembered self; furthermore, despite her hand-wringing about "losing her voice", her singing is as gorgeous and enamoring as ever, quite capable of enthralling Toreador and most other Kindred; finally, she is a noted neonate in her close-knit clan
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry, cigarette, and usually a bouquet of fresh roses to counter-act her deathly stench that Obfuscate can rarely cover up entirely
Traits: Appearance 0 (on a good day/roll with Obfuscate, her illusory Appearance might rise to 4 with the specialty of "lovely"); Style 4 (classic); Clan Prestige 1; Enchanting Voice, False Reflection

“I've lost my voice. I've lost it all.”


Date of Birth: March 7th, 1960
Home: Chanhassen, Minnesota, United States
Family: Ned and Marissa Cooper (parents), Jesse (older brother)
Embrace: External Supernatural Trigger (Vinessa enjoyed a middle-class, isolated upbringing in the suburbs of Minneapolis; always a talented singer with a promising career ahead of her; while in Kansas City touring nightclubs and restaurants, she then became the victim of the rivalry between a Toreador and Nosferatu, Embraced against her will out of petty revenge for some minor slight against his ego decades earlier), 1992
Sire: Kannard Sykes
The Test: Trial by Wit (her sire taught her the basics of existence as she underwent the horror of the change, and he always kept her under thumb with the threat of punishment; eventually, he up and disappeared from the area, abandoning his childe barely out of her Becoming)
Comrades: Fitzgerald Drake, Charlene Annick
Key Event #1: Personal Tragedy (her sire had name-dropped the Toreador who had offended him, so she went and found this "artist", but he disowned any interest in her despite retaining her musical talent, because of her ruined features; nevertheless, she approached the Prince in shy solitude, honoring the Traditions, joining the Camarilla at least as nominally as any Nosferatu would, and pledging to develop Obfuscate to better hide her Masquerade-breaking curse)
Transition: Shift in Nature (she continued to avoid her own clan and stayed near the theater where she last performed, haunting it late at night when it was closed up, as if she still performed there; but she knew all she had ever wanted had escaped her and she was doomed this existence)

Significant Other

Name: Fitzgerald Drake, 2009
Nature: Companionship


Phantom of Herself

She was an up-and-comer, likely to be noticed at any day by a major record label's agent and start a great career. That all changed on one fateful night, and she resents every bit of it ever since.

Likelihood of Corruption


She hides and keeps to herself out of notice for the most part, but she's a Kindred who can barely even accept what she is, never mind subdue or sublimate the Beast.


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